Hartmut Bohnacker
Ted Davis
William Porr
Hillary Kenna & Rob Griffin
Aleksandra Hojszyk
Maja Starakiewicz
Adam Słowik
Philip Pachucki
Carolina Laudon
Natalia Domagala
How can we achieve meaningful human-technology interactions amongst the plethora of possibilities? Interaction design and text coding workshops are dedicated to the newest methods of blended design, classic and new technologies will be combined. Participants of workshops will learn basics on IT, AI and automatisation in design layout, single character and text. The best practice of digital publication will be presented, explained and taught.
Through experimenting with different mediums, we will animate, code, write and shift our perception of typography and text. Join us to transgress the boundaries between human-human and human-digital interactions and help us shape the world of the future built on stable and sustainable foundations.